Wyoming Physical Education Content Standards

Learning Domain: Personal and Social Behavior: The physically literate individual exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others and recognizes the value of physical activity for challenge, self-expression, and/or social interaction.

Standard: Students initiate responsible personal social behavior and positively influence the behavior of others in physical activity settings.

Steps and Examples for Writing Personal Narratives

Steps and Examples for Writing Personal Narratives


A Personal Narrative Essay is a creative form of writing that explains a memorable event in a student's life. Like other types of essays, it follows a specific structure and includes an introduction, several paragraphs of body content, and a conclusion. The main purpose of a personal narrative essay is to convince the reader of why the applicant would be a good fit for the college or university they apply to.

A Personal Narrative Essay is a creative form of writing that explains a memorable event in a student's life. Like other types of essays, it follows a specific structure and includes an introduction, several paragraphs of body content, and a conclusion. The main purpose of a personal narrative essay is to convince the reader of why the applicant would be a good fit for the college or university they apply to.

What is a personal narrative?

Defining personal narratives is an important step to writing a story that will inspire and touch the reader. A personal narrative is an essay in the first person, often a true story, that reflects a writer's personal experiences. You can take a look at this resource for various free online examples of personal narratives that may inspire your writing. Though this type of essay usually differs from author to author, there are some basic guidelines that all personal narratives must follow. These include an introduction, key points, and conclusion. You can also structure your personal narrative to include the elements of plot, character, setting, and climax.

A personal narrative usually follows a three-part structure, with the introduction focusing on the 'hook' that will 'hook' the reader. The hook can be in the form of an event or an emotion. In any case, it must be relevant to the subject matter explored. For example, the hook may focus on an external event or an internal one, and give the reader a hint as to why these events matter. The detailed answer to the why of a narrative may be reserved for the conclusion.

Choose your topic

When writing a personal narrative essay, you need to find a topic that you enjoy writing about. It is essential to pick a topic that excites you, but still reflects on your own life. You can choose to write about a memorable moment or describe a philosophical thought. Personal narrative essays can range from a brief account of a single experience to a voluminous autobiography. For example, you can write about an event that happened to you as a child.

When writing a personal narrative essay, there are a few important aspects to remember. There are three basic parts: an introduction, middle, and end. When writing a personal narrative essay, it's best to begin with a strong introduction and then follow this up with detailed descriptions and the climax. After that, you can write your personal narrative essay according to the structure outlined below. Then, follow the same process to write a solid conclusion.

Your topic for your personal narrative essay should be something that excites you. Choose a memorable moment from your childhood, a trip, or an experience that has affected your life. You can write about your professional or personal journey as well. Make sure your topic is unique and engaging, so readers will be interested in reading your personal story! Here are some helpful tips for choosing a topic:

Outline your paper

The first step in writing a personal narrative is to make an outline. It should focus on a topic or aspect of the personal narrative that will interest the reader. The outline should be as detailed as possible, and it should also include keywords to designate minor pieces of information. You should also include a body, an introduction, and a conclusion. To save time, outline your paper first and write the paper last.

A personal narrative essay will often have a beginning, middle, and end, and should be structured in chronological order. Then, you will need to write your draft, revise it, and submit it to your teacher for review. This process is similar to writing other college assignments. To start off, you should choose a topic, write an outline, then write a draft. The final draft should include a call to action or a thesis statement that ties everything together.

Write and edit draft

Personal narratives follow the flow of a life experience and are usually written from the perspective of the author. They can range from childhood memories to a special vacation. It could also be about a professional journey. Regardless of the subject, it is important to ensure that your writing reflects your personal experiences. Here are some tips to help you write a personal narrative. Start with choosing a topic. Choose something that is meaningful to you, such as a favorite memory, trip, or memory.

After you have written your first draft, you should print it out and make notes. Circle sentences or draw lines to make them fit together better. This will help you identify weak passages and sections that need more examples or evidence. You may also need to rewrite a portion to improve its structure. Once you've edited your draft, you'll have a finished product that you're proud of. A final step is to make any changes you feel necessary and to make the writing more engaging.