Course Listing For Graphic Design Courses

This course analyzes the fundamental elements and principles of design necessary to solve graphic design problems. Topics including various elements and principles are studied and practiced. Problem solving and critical thinking are developed through discussions and exercises.

Design Basics II

This course introduces students to key Adobe software applications. The course addresses the individual tools each application offers, techniques associated with each tool or set of tools, and the proper application of each technique. Students will also be familiarized with various skills necessary for a designer including time tracking, invoicing, and contracts. Prerequisite: None

History of Contemporary Graphic Design

This course examines the history of contemporary graphic design. Students evaluate and discuss current design issues while emphasizing the evolution of visual communication and its impact on today’s design. Students study famous designers and design movements and develop the ability to compare and contrast their work. Prerequisite: None

Fundamentals of Print Design

This course examines basic fundamentals specific to print design. Topics explored include typography, grid implementation, layout, balance, and color. Students are introduced to the design process and employ it taking a project from initial idea to final print. Prerequisite: GD116, GD210, GD211

Fundamentals of Web Design

This course examines basic fundamentals specific to web design. Topics include web standards, user interface design, pattern libraries, HTML and CSS. Prerequisite: GD116, GD210, GD211


This course analyzes how typography is used effectively in graphic design—in both print and web. The development of type, classification, terminology, and proper visual manipulation are explored as students create type focused projects. Prerequisite: GD 116, GD 210, GD 211

Single Page Design

This course applies fundamental concepts of graphic design through the creation of projects ranging from posters to business stationery and from one-color to multiple color projects with real-world specifications and issues. Prerequisite: GD 215, GD 332, GD 362

Interactivity Basics

This course provides an in-depth study of interactivity, including the elements of user experience and methods for designing and developing effective interactive interfaces. Prerequisite: GD 230, GD 220, GD 260

This course focuses on brand identity. Processes are explored by designing print- and web-based projects related to brand strategy development and implementation. Research methods specific to design problem solving are utilized. Presentation techniques are stressed and developed. Prerequisite: GD 215, GD 362, GD 332

Identity Design

This course focuses on the creation of effective identity solutions (logos, logotypes and marks), typographic sets, and color palettes. Research of the client’s needs, the stakeholders and the audience are utilized to establish solutions. Prerequisite: GD 350, GD 320, GD 430

Typography II

This course analyzes how typography is used effectively in graphic design. The development of type, classification, terminology, and proper visual manipulation are explored as students create type focused exercises and projects. Prerequisites: GD 220, GD 260, GD 230

Publication Design

This course explores advanced methods and techniques with a focus on page layout and publication design. A variety of projects enable students to further develop their problem-solving skills and critical thinking abilities. Prerequisite: GD 320, GD 350, GD 430

Web Page Design

This course applies concepts in user experience and user interface design that reflect modern delivery systems. The application of course content is through exercises and an in-depth project that reflects contemporary issues faced by today’s web designer. Prerequisites: GD 215, GD 362, GD 332

Website Development

This course explores advanced elements of web design. Through creating a multiple-page website, students will apply current web standards, design techniques, and develop various assets as they employ an in-depth understanding of contemporary theories. Prerequisite: GD 430, GD 350, GD 320

This is the capstone course for Graphic Design majors. Preparation for future employment or graduate study through a finished portfolio (both print- and web-based) of work for potential employment in the graphic design industry is emphasized. Resume development and self-promotion is also covered. Prerequisite: Successful completion of all Graphic Design program-specific courses.