Word forms worksheet

Complete the following sentences using the appropriate form or the word given in the brackets.

1. He made a fortune with the ……………… of paintings. (forge)

2. He stopped going with her when he discovered her ………………… side. (flirt)

3. Thirty years of ………………. got him nowhere. (flatter)

4. Her cupboards are full of ……………. clothes. (flash)

5. Her ………………. to get the job surprised us. (fail)

6. His complete ……………… of others lost him the respect of his friends. (regard)

7. Help me straighten these …………………… files. (disorder)

8. He proved his …………………. by betraying my secret. (disloyal)

9. Laws have been passed against religious …………………. (discriminate)

10. He was chastised for his ………………….. manners. (disgrace)


1. He made a fortune with the forgery of paintings.

2. He stopped going with her when he discovered her flirtatious side.

3. Thirty years of flattery got him nowhere.

4. Her cupboards are full of flashy clothes.

5. Her failure to get the job surprised us.

6. His complete disregard of others lost him the respect of his friends.

7. Help me straighten these disorderly files.

8. He proved his disloyalty by betraying my secret.

9. Laws have been passed against religious discrimination.

10. He was chastised for his disgraceful manners.